Ever wonder about the phrase, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”?
Maybe it has to do with purifying the inside of your body. We know that a clean body works most efficiently.
The Cascade Rejuvenation Program brings out a new you – or more correctly – it brings out the old you that has been bogged down with years of ingesting unhealthy substances. Purifying the inside of your body brings you back into the sunshine of good health and vigor.
Your Body Barrel
Everyone puts stuff into the barrel:
Nutrients, Chemicals, Stress, Pesticides, Allergens, Lack of Rest, Lack of Exercise.
When the barrel overflows we get symptoms. Our job is to help you take stuff out of the barrel to avoid overflow and illness symptoms. We look into the barrel to see what is there and what to remove. We make the barrel stronger.
The goal is to lover the general level of stuff in the barrel so that “extra stuff” doesn’t cause an overflow – symptoms like fatigue, depression, moodiness, colds, allergies, and so on.
We can help take things out of the barrel – reduce toxic exposure – in many ways, including the Cascade Rejuvenation Program. We support the body’s tolerance/immunity. We increase the barrel’s capacity, with good nutrition, hormone balancing, and more.
When we have a stronger immune system – a cleaner barrel – we do not get as many colds, bacterial, or fungal infections. When our immune system works more efficiently, we increase our barrel’s capacity and we reduce our allergies and inflammation.
Cascade Rejuvenation Program
A 13-day, Doctor Supervised, Cleansing, Juice Fast.
3 Bulking Days
5 Days Fresh, Organic Juices
5 Days Reintroduction
Classes lead by Dr. Elaine Gillaspie
Group and Personal Monitoring
Cost includes 3 classes with brief individual checkups, 5 days of organic juice, and supplements. Protein formula and additional nutraceuticals extra.
Dates for the 2015 body cleanse coming soon:
For more information and to register, call: 503-245-6516